Let me get a few things straight before we get started.
I’m not a woman, so I obviously don’t know what it feels like to have an unplanned pregnancy. I’ve never been raped, nor have I been the victim of spousal abuse.
Even though I don’t know what it’s like to be a woman, I’m sensitive to the plight that many women face in a cruel world. And in my primary line of work, telling people that there is hope in Jesus, we have seen it all. Too often, women are the victims of abusive men who find pleasure in dominating women.
Many times, Miss Kay and I have provided safe shelter in our home to abused women and supported single women who were carrying a baby in their bodies. We do give financial support to groups that help women who are in trouble for one reason or another, but we also get personally involved. We live by the principle that, since God has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness, the least we can do is to try and help others find their way out.
I hesitate to tell you all of this for fear that it will be seen as me bragging about my good works. But the truth is, I want to comment on the hot topic of abortion, and once I comment on it, I know that angry supporters of abortion will begin firing their verbal missiles at me.
I’m not trying to avoid the backlash — that’s going to come no matter what I say. I just want those I consider to be fellow soldiers in God’s kingdom to know the background. I don’t waste a lot of time worrying about what the radical and extremist left says about me. I want you to know that there’s no place for a son or daughter of God to be insensitive to those who are hurting. I also want you to know, however, that we must be committed to speaking the truth of the Gospel in all situations.
Is the End Near?
Having said all of that, I’m excited about the possibility that we might be witnessing the end of our obsession with abortion. At least in some states. It’s not that I’m under any illusion that the barbaric practice will come to a screeching halt nationwide. There are plenty of extremists who are wholly committed to allowing the practice of abortion to continue. But I’m happy that at least that the Supreme Court is beginning to understand what many of us have known for several decades — Roe v. Wade was a bad decision.
In spite of what some may say about people like me, our opposition to abortion isn’t rooted in our political views. I, for one, am a man who is firmly convinced that our founders got it right about the value of all human life — that we are all created equal and endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights. We believe that this promise also applies to the unborn humans among us.
As it turns out, our founders weren’t the first to discover that all human life is valuable. God himself said, “Let us make man in our image.” The Almighty is the one who said everyone matters, so who am I (or you) to go against that? When he created our ancestors, he intentionally bestowed upon them and their offspring something of himself. It’s what makes us special — every single one of us. No exceptions. We bear the image of God.
But let’s say someone doesn’t buy the biblical account of creation and rejects the idea that mankind bears the image of God. Surely, that person would still say that taking innocent life is not morally justifiable, right? If they do agree that murder is wrong, what rationale would they be able to make to justify aborting unborn babies?
The only argument I can imagine the proponents of abortion making to justify terminating the lives of the unborn is that they think that whatever they’re removing from a woman’s womb isn’t human.
The Unborn: Human or Not?
In my opinion, this is the first discussion we should be having about abortion. Are the unborn human or not? It’s that simple. Once we figure that out, we have the answer to the question of whether or not abortion is moral.
So, let me ask you this: What do you think you would find if you tested the DNA of any unborn baby at any stage of fetal development? You would find out that the unborn baby has the same general DNA code that it would have if it were carried to full term.
This unique, complex genetic code is so specific to all individuals that we are able to establish the identity of people using the DNA found in hair and blood samples. We can say with absolute certainty that this DNA belongs to that person and no one else. DNA is what makes each of us distinct and unique. No one else is exactly like you or me. In a very real sense, we are who we are because our parents’ genes were fused at conception and we became us.
My message about the value of every human being, born or unborn, isn’t driven by some twisted desire to control women or deny anyone their rights. I’m sure the proponents of abortion will accuse me of that and a host of other shortcomings. All I can say to them is, “Have at it. You still haven’t answered my question about the humanity of the unborn.”
Sixty-four million! That’s how many babies have lost their lives in abortion clinics since Roe v. Wade. Let that sink in for a moment — 64 million. That’s more than the populations of California and Florida combined. What a tragedy!
Don’t Let Your Guard Down — The Fight Isn’t Over!
The fight for life isn’t over by a long shot. But if this ruling by the Supreme Court is finally issued later this year, it is a step in the right direction. As far as it depends on me, I’m going to continue to make the case that everyone has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness — born or unborn.
However, I have no interest in heaping more guilt and shame on women who have aborted their children. No, I’ve talked to too many women who have aborted their babies to believe the lie that it is a victimless act. All of them have told me of the guilt and shame and regret they bear every day because of what they did. I’ve never met a woman yet who was happy she aborted her child. But I always remind anyone living in shame of the compassion of the Almighty who desires to remove guilt and replace it with his love for them.
If anyone ever needed his mercy, it was me. Still do! I can’t live without it. I’m just glad he loved me enough to die in my place. When I saw what he did, I knew then that he really did love me. So, don’t wallow in your shame, ladies. Trust what God said about you, not what the world says. Trust him that he loves you in ways you can’t understand.
And by all means ladies, give your unborn baby a chance to live. I promise you; you will never regret that! Not ever!
Don’t Let Your Guard Down — The Fight Isn’t Over!
The fight for life isn’t over by a long shot. But if this ruling by the Supreme Court is finally issued later this year, it is a step in the right direction. As far as it depends on me, I’m going to continue to make the case that everyone has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness — born or unborn.
However, I have no interest in heaping more guilt and shame on women who have aborted their children. No, I’ve talked to too many women who have aborted their babies to believe the lie that it is a victimless act. All of them have told me of the guilt and shame and regret they bear every day because of what they did. I’ve never met a woman yet who was happy she aborted her child. But I always remind anyone living in shame of the compassion of the Almighty who desires to remove guilt and replace it with his love for them.
If anyone ever needed his mercy, it was me. Still do! I can’t live without it. I’m just glad he loved me enough to die in my place. When I saw what he did, I knew then that he really did love me. So, don’t wallow in your shame, ladies. Trust what God said about you, not what the world says. Trust him that he loves you in ways you can’t understand.
And by all means ladies, give your unborn baby a chance to live. I promise you; you will never regret that! Not ever!