Join us for Camp Joshua 2024
July 19 & 20
Our Lady of Lourdes, Raleigh, NC
July 26 & 27
St. Mark's, Huntersville, NC
Empowering Students
Camp Joshua is a two-day camp designed to train high school students to be effective pro-life leaders. It covers all the basics of the pro-life issues through hands-on workshops, fun, fellowship and excellent pizza!
Just as Joshua took down the walls of Jericho, the young men and women of Camp Joshua will lead their generation in bringing down the walls of the culture of death. They will be Joshua to our world in need.
Camp Joshua is part of the Life and Leadership Camps Initiative, a nationwide pro-life program developed by National Right to Life, Louisiana Right to Life, and Wisconsin Right to Life. Camp Joshua North Carolina is a project of North Carolina Right to Life (NCRTL).
We believe in presenting the fundamental knowledge of the science, history, and other empirical aspects of the abortion and euthanasia issues, in an intellectually honest way so that our campers can be properly informed in order to understand and engage in these issues.
CJNC is $30 for the 2-Day Camp
Payment includes dinner on Friday, lunch on Saturday and all course materials.
Sponsor Student Empowerment

Camp Joshua
Your Support Matters
Can you help us train the next generation of pro-life leaders? Sponsors will be listed in the camp materials and recognized with a special certificate.
Contributions can be made by check written to “NCRTL Education Fund.” Please indicate that the amount is intended for Camp Joshua and mail to:​
P.O. Box 9282, Greensboro, NC 27429-0282.
Or, call us at 336-274-5433 (LIFE) ​
Feel free to contact us at for more information.