Fair Booths
Where to find us.
Each year, North Carolina Right to Life has a presence at various fairs and festivals across the state. These are the ones that are probably the most well known:
The NC State Fair (http://www.ncstatefair.org/),
The Mountain State Fair (http://www.mtnstatefair.org/),
Cleveland County Fair (http://clevelandcountyfair.com/), just to name a few.
These booths are manned by pro-life volunteers who make having a booth at these fairs possible. The fair booths reach thousands of families across the state, providing valuable information about a wide variety of topics related to the protecting and preserving of innocent human life from conception until natural death.
If you are interested to volunteer this year, please contact us at director.outreach@ncrtl.org, and we will send you the link to register.
Some of the items offered at the fair by small donations are:
Large and small bumper stickers,
Young Ones models,
Precious Feet Pins,
Pro-Life bracelets and rings,
Car and refrigerator magnets,
“Abortion Stops a Beating Heart” front license plate,
Pro-Life pencils,
At the booth, an individual has the opportunity to watch a video and sign a petition.
You can also make a donation at the booths to help offset the cost associated with the booth and to help North Carolina Right to Life in its life-saving, life-affirming work. You can also make a donation here.