From the President
NC Right to Life

Bill A. Pincus, MD
Welcome to North Carolina Right to Life, Inc., where we have a dedicated team devoted to the protection of ALL human life. Please consider donating to our life-saving, life-affirming efforts. We are the longest-running statewide grassroots pro-life organization in North Carolina founded in 1973. With the largest pro-life lending library in our state, NCRTL is know as the voice of the unborn in the pro-life movement and the place to get the most up-to-date pro-life information.
We keep more hearts beating throughout pregnancy and beyond by working tirelessly through education and advocacy. Affecting public policy is one of our major strategies for overcoming and changing the “culture of death”. Abortion, infanticide, human embryonic stem cell research, cloning, assisted suicide and euthanasia destroy the dignity of our human family.
Working together with National Right to Life, we have succeeded in advocacy in these Pro-Life Laws:
The Ban on the Patent of Human Embryos (became law in 2011),
~ the Ban on Cloning,
~ the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act (became law in 2003) ,
~ the Born Alive Infant Protection Act (became law in 2002),
~ the Child Custody Prevention Act, and most recently,
~ the Ban on Sex-Selection Abortions and
~ the DC Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.
In North Carolina, NCRTL successfully lobbied for
~ a Parental Consent for Abortion law,
~ the Infant Abandonment law
~ the elimination of the state abortion fund,
~ the passage of the Abortion Woman’s Right to Know law,
~ the Unborn Victims of Violence Act-Ethen’s law, and
~ the “Choose Life” Specialty Plate.
~ the Prohibit Sex-Selection Abortions
~ the Ban on Web Cam Abortions (chemical abortions over skype)
~ the Opt Out for Abortion in Obamacare
~ the no abortions in the city/county employee health plans
~ the regulations of abortion facilities
~ the expansion of conscience protection for all health care workers
~ the end to state-funded abortions
~ and much more!
As a result of all our educational efforts at the various State and County Fairs and Camp Joshua, etc., along with our public advocacy, we know that lives have been saved and hearts changed. It is the support of the pro-life community that has been at the heart of this change. Without your support North Carolina Right to Life could not continue to be the voice for the voiceless.
As never before, we need your support. Please prayerfully consider becoming a sustaining supporter of our pro-life work. Thank you in advance for your support; together we will triumph for the babies.
Bill Pincus, MD